Hooray, You!
You’ve made the commitment to get upside down every day for 21 days.
Doing inversions every day, even for a few minutes, can help you feel more vibrant and alive. Establishing a daily practice will help you create discipline, steadfastness, and strength, and may be the the breakthrough you need to enjoy inversions even more!.
We begin on March 11th. These 20-30 minute classes will be prerecorded so you can use them at the time of day that works best for you. Each day, a new video will post here!
Day 1
Benefits of Inversions, Contraindications and Precautions, and the foundations of our Inversion Practice: Downward Facing Dog and Dolphin Poses.
Day 2.
We are building strength in the arms and shoulders today, to support our inversions. The more you hug in to your inner strength, the more easeful your inversions will become.
Day 3
Today, we’ll start climbing the walls! In this video, you’ll learn about balanced action in the pelvis, and how it helps you create good spinal alignment.
Day 4
Root to Rise! Anchor down into the Earth so that you can reach the Sky!
Day 5
Let’s take a semi-rest day, and practice a restorative inversion, “Legs Up the Wall.” Ahhhh.
You’ll need a belt, a couple of blankets, and a wall (or a chair).
Day 6
Let’s Play! Today we’ll play with swinging our legs up in the air, taking little hops and switching it up. Have fun!
Day 7
It takes coordination and control to swing up into inversions like handstand and pincha mayurasana. And it’s hard to be coordinated when you’re upside down! Here are some drills to help you feel more in control of your legs.
Day 8
Thoracic Integration connects your upper body with your lower body, and the front of your body with the back of your body. When you have all parts working together, you go farther!
Day 9
Creating Balance
Day 10
Beginning Shoulderstand. We’ll use lots of props to make shoulderstand accessible. You’ll need a block, 2 blankets, and a wall.
Day 11
More fun with Shoulderstand! You’ll want 3 or maybe even 4 blankets for this practice.
Day 12
When you pull in from the periphery to the core, you engage and feel more powerful. It’s like gathering your courage to fully engage with life.
Day 13
Pincha Mayurasana is one of my favorite inversions, because the base is so big- which allows for easier balancing.
Day 14
Engage your Core to make your inversions stronger! We’ll do a bunch of core work at the beginning of this practice and see how it translates into your dolphin poses.
Day 15
Having flexible hamstrings makes the kick up into inversions more easeful. In this class, we’ll do a bunch of hamstring stretches.
Day 16
Headstand! We’ll do preps to find the natural curve in your neck, root down to the earth, and rise high through your spine to create space. Then explore Sirsasana 1.
Day 17
Sirsasna 2.
This shorter video (14 minutes) can be done by itself, or would also make a great “add on” at the end of any of the other videos in this series.
Day 18
There’s more than one way to get into inversions. Today, we’ll explore a few fun possibilities with headstand.
Day 19
In order to balance well in inversions, you need a strong focus on the foundation of the hands and arms. Root down strongly to rise up!
Day 20
When you play the boundary, you expand into a greater experience of yourself. Today, we'll find the edge of your comfort zone as you explore modified versions of Scorpion pose.
Day 21
You did it! 21 Days of Inversions! Today we celebrate with a longer practice that includes a warm up, dolphin, handstand, pincha mayurasana, headstand and shoulderstand. Congratulations on staying the course and getting stronger in all of your inversions. Well done, You!